Prayer post


Pray-A-Thon 2025 - Wed Mar 5

The way to make the sharing of your faith effectual is by acknowledging the good things in you in Christ Jesus. Learn more in this Wednesday's Rhapsody. Visit or the Rhapsody app.

Ephesians 1:17-21 AMPC says, '[For I always pray to] the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, that He may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation [of insight into mysteries and secrets] in the [deep and intimate] knowledge of Him, By having the eyes of your heart flooded with light, so that you can know and understand the hope to which He has called you, and how rich is His glorious inheritance in the saints (His set-apart ones), And [so that you can know and understand] what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of His power in and for us who believe, as demonstrated in the working of His mighty strength, Which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His [own] right hand in the heavenly [places], Far above all rule and authority and power and dominion and every name that is named [above every title that can be conferred], not only in this age and in this world, but also in the age and the world which are to come'.

At our times of prayer today, we'll pray earnestly in tongues of the Spirit and in accordance with the verses of Scripture above, for saints of God around the world.

Remember to attend the Midweek Service today in Church onsite or online. God bless you.

Wednesday, 05 March 2025

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